The 2025 United Way of Lee County Classroom Enrichment Grant applications are now open! This grant was created to invest in teachers in our community by funding a project or items teachers typically have to pay out of pocket for. Examples may include: a sensory play station, new books for the classroom library, flexible seating, etc. To apply, simply fill out the application below. The timeline for the grant is as follows:
March 24: Applications Open
April 4: Applications Close at 4:00 p.m.
April 7: Voting Opens
April 11: Voting Closes at 4:00 p.m.
April 14: Winners Announced
All winners will be asked to submit a Amazon wish list of requested items totaling their awarded grant amount. The United Way of Lee County staff will purchase the items and coordinate with the teacher on the best way to deliver them. There will be a first and second place winner from each school system.
-First and Second Place from Auburn City Schools
-First and Second Place from Opelika City Schools
-First and Second Place from Lee County Schools
The first place winners will receive up to $600 of their Amazon wish list. The second place winners will receive up to $300 of their Amazon wish list.
Voting will be limited to one vote per person per 24 hour period. We encourage you to share the voting page with you family and friends to increase your chances of winning.
Any and all questions regarding the Classroom Enrichment Grant should be directed to Molly Williams at