Through the United Way Campaign, we invite people to join us in making life better for everyone in our community!
We are so thankful for your support as we work to raise $925,000 this year for our 17 non-profit partners and our 6 in-house initiatives. You are a crucial part in building a strong and more resilient Lee County. Here at the United Way of Lee County, we believe in the power of the collective: together, we can create lasting change and improve the lives of those in need. Thank you for your commitment to our cause and for your generous donation.
Workplace Campaigns
Workplace giving is an easy and effective way to help employees make a difference and show them that their workplace is actively supporting the local community’s most important issues. Employees of a company are given an opportunity to support United Way by donating a portion of their paycheck. In many cases, the donations from employees are pre-tax pay, and many companies match their employees’ donations, which makes their charitable contributions go further.
If your company is not listed in the above workplace campaigns, you can still donate to the United Way of Lee County in a variety of ways. You can fill out the pledge card and give a donation by cash, check or payroll deduction, or you can fill out the pledge card and give a one-time or reoccurring donation by credit card.
Campaign Frequently Asked Questions
To identify and meet local needs with financial support from the community.
No. $0.99 for every $1 donation to the UWLC stays in Lee County and only goes to fund our 17 partner agencies/programs and 6 in house programs. You can find a list of our partner agencies by going to unitedwayofleecounty.com/agenciesandpartners and a list of our in house programs by going to unitedwayofleecounty.com/initiatives.
No. United Way Worldwide does not give any money to the UWLC. The UWLC pays UWW 1% of funds raised from our annual campaign for our annual, required dues. This totaled $7,097 in 2023. The United Way organization is run as a federation. Every United Way is a stand alone organization governed only by its local board of directors. If you would like to see who is on our board of directors you can visit unitedwayofleecounty.com/board-of-directors.
The United Way of Lee County offers direct assistance to Lee County residents through our in house initiatives. We assist elderly or disabled individuals with payment on a utility bill; we assist parents of uninsured, school-age children with payment on a medial bill; we provide short-term assistance to anyone facing a catastrophic event such as the loss of a spouse, job or home; we assist the Lee County EMA by organization volunteer reception centers in the case of a natural disaster. You can read more about the direct assistance we offer by going to unitedwayofleecounty.com/initiatives.
Our top funders include Auburn University, Publix Supermarkets, East Alabama Health Center, the City of Opelika, the City of Auburn, AuburnBank, Hyundai of Alabama and the State of Alabama combined charitable campaign. You can see a list of our top campaign givers by visiting unitedwayofleecounty.com/topcampaigns.
Yes! Every donation, whether big or small, makes a huge impact in our local community.
$12 can fund a month worth of supplies for a newborn baby
$15 can fund 84 meals for a food insecure person
$36 can fund a new outfit for a child
$60 can fund a new tablet for someone struggling with technological literacy
$100 can fund a forensic interview for a child abuse victim
$500 can fund a down payment for a family transitioning our of a shelter to their own home
You can see a variety of stories of how your donation has impacted real people by visiting unitedwayofleecounty.com/campaigntoolkit and clicking on "impact stories."